Employee mental health matters
It is estimated that the direct financial impact of mental health on Australian business is more than $11 billion every year largely due to absenteeism and reduced productivity.
Smart employers are taking action to address mental health concerns in the workplace. However, effectively managing things like work stress and workplace bullying can be highly complicated with differences in personalities as well as definitional issues such as direct or indirect bullying and identifying when an employee is at work. Also, how do employers manage work demands and address workplace stress while still offering employees both flexibility and security? On top of this are concerns about the dividing line between work and private life shrinking impacting employee rights including privacy as well as increased employee burnout due to increased connectivity and not switching off.
Mental health at work is much more than a human resources, psychological or social issue which is often the dominant perspective and where most businesses become unstuck. Rethinko has skilled professionals covering all aspects of the employment relationship to look at the whole picture including the psychological environment. Areas we can assist with include flexible work design, assessing work demands, work/life balance, and prevention of workplace bullying.